Tuesday, 13 December 2016

7 days of school left until our Holidays!

Christmas concert costume: Students are asked to wear a green shirt and their grey SJA dress pants/skirt along with a hat and scarf.

Our food drive is on unit December 21st! Please start bringing in unused Toys and canned food items!

Candy Grams have been sent out! Orders are due by December 16th!

 UOI: We continued learning about Judaism today. We learned about the festivals and traditions and watched a video about Hanukkah. We learned why men wear the Kippah and the differences between a bar mitzvah and a bat mitzvah. Students made connections to other religions, and we also "lit" the first two candles of the Menorah and two candles on our Advent wreath which Christians use to count down to Christmas. Lastly, we had students in our class who mentioned today is Prophet Mohammad's birthday so we celebrated their Islamic tradition as well. 

The Story of Hanukkah
Info on Judaism

Math: Students used the data from yesterday's math lesson to create their own bar graphs and pictographs. We also worked on creating a survey question and how to properly collect data in a chart so they can transfer it correctly into their graphs. Later this week students will be conducting their own surveys and handing it in as a final assessment mark. 

Language: We continued learning about how to write a recount. We read the story "The Paper Bag Princess" and placed it into a graphic organizer so it then could be properly written into a summary. After, we read "David's Father" and the students students complete their own graphic organizer as well as a summary to show their understanding. 

Spelling/ Language: Spelling lesson 14 is due Friday.  French- Spelling test on Friday

-Please sign your child's agenda every night
-Christmas concert on December 21st!
-House ties on Friday!
-Christmas Food Drive! Bring in canned items!
-January Lunch Forms due Dec. 16th!

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