If you have any old winter clothing that can be donated to our school we would very much appreciate it. Clothing will be going to local refugees.
Math: Today we completed our pre- assessment for our area and perimeter unit.
Spelling/ Language: Spelling lesson 9 is due Thursday.
Anne of Green Gables:
French- No spelling test on Friday
Spa basket donations are due Nov. 15th.
We have a new Holiday Fundraiser! Students will be selling cookie dough and gift cards to friends and family. All funds raised will go toward new technology for SJA. I have already 4 orders of cookie dough and counting! All fundraising orders and money are due by Nov. 18!
Art: We worked on some Remembrance Day Art today. They students traced dove's and wrote important word inside the doves that represents Remembrance Day.
UOI: We continued learning about the differences between artificial light and natural light and how important it is to have light in our lives. Students completed some worksheets to demonstrate their understanding. .
Science Fair: Today we talked about the different times of materials and the procedure of the experiment. We talked about how the procedure is the recipe to conduct the experiment and that the materials are the ingredients. With science experiments we are able to to change the ingredients to see if the results of the experiment will change.
Extra Practice Links
Spelling/ Language: Spelling lesson 9 is due Thursday.
Anne of Green Gables:
French- No spelling test on Friday
-Please sign your child's agenda every night
-Please sign your child's agenda every night
-Bring in your Personal Device if you are allowed!
-Full winter uniform is in effect!
-House ties on Friday!
-Holiday Fundraising
-Used winter clothing
-After- care Invoice due Nov. 18
-Spa Basket Donations due Nov. 15
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