Monday, 17 October 2016

Hello Everyone!

Please use the link below to complete out Self- Study Survey which needs to be completed by Friday. SJA would really appreciate your feedback on how to make your child's learning a better experience for you and for them!

UOI:  Today we learned how to create a quick proposal. Students filled out the sections of their organizers with the important information that they researched last week and on the weekend. Please see the example below that we created in class. Students should start bringing in pictures that they have printed and materials that they need to put their presentation together. Students are required to put their presentation together at school with their partner unless otherwise stated.  The summative task is due on October 28th!

Math: We had our math test today. Tomorrow we will begin out next unit in Measurement. We will learn how to tell time, elapsed time, capacity etc. Please use the links below so your children can begin practice time.

Extra Practice Links

Spelling: Spelling lesson 6 is due on Friday. Spelling Test is on Friday. Students must study all previous words. 

Anne of Green Gables: No Anne of Green Gables today.

French- Spelling Test on Friday.

-Please sign your child's agenda every night
-Bring in your Personal Device if you are allowed!
-Full winter uniform is in effect!
-House ties on Friday!
-Lunch forms are due on Oct. 24th
-UOI summative task is due Oct. 28th

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