Monday, 24 October 2016

Hello Everyone!

UOI:  Students' presentations are looking wonderful! They had their last 30 minutes of in class time to work on their presentations. Presentations will take place on Friday and then we are officially done our first UOI unit!

We also began our Light and Sound UOI today. Students created a definition of what sound is, and started a title page. Tomorrow we will be completing different experiments with Mrs. Hocevar's class to test how sound is created.

Math: Today we learned how to estimate time. We completed a number of activities by first estimating the amount of time we think it would take to complete and then finding the actual amount of time. I am so proud to say that the students remember that the magic word "ABOUT" means it's not exact. Students also completed word problems to figure out when an activity ended when the start time and amount of minutes it took to complete the activity was given. If you all have the chance, please practice with the students telling time at home, estimating how long it will take to get to school or finish dinner, and then count the actual time it took. 

Extra Practice Links

Spelling: Spelling lesson 7 is due on Friday. Spelling Test is on Friday. 

Anne of Green Gables: No Anne of Green Gables today.

French- Spelling Test on Friday.

-Please sign your child's agenda every night
-Bring in your Personal Device if you are allowed!
-Full winter uniform is in effect!
-House ties on Friday!
-October 26th is casual day
-October 27th is picture day
-UOI summative task is due Oct. 28th

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