Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Happy Tuesday!

Good Evening Everyone!

Today we started our spelling unit. Students worked in their groups to read the passage and discuss the spelling words. We brainstormed other words associated with the lesson on paper and shared them among our groups. We also discussed vowels and consonants; what is the difference between them both. Spelling is due every Friday when we have our test. We will be having a spelling test this Friday September 16th. The words have been on the blog since yesterday evening, and they are also in your child's agenda.


We began our Place Value unit. The students brainstormed different ideas about numbers. How we can break them down, how we use them (adding, subtracting, multiply and divide), different types of number and how we can compare them. Students then took a number and applied their knowledge to express the number in a variety of ways.

Extra math practice:



We began our Canada unit today. Students filled in a blank map of Canada to see how well they knew where all the provinces and territories were. We're all excited to see our knowledge grow! Students also began their title pages for the unit, which will be due on Friday! We would also like to  fill our UOI board with post cards from different provinces and territories in Canada. Students are encouraged to ask friends and/or family that live in another province or territory to send them a post card to add to our UOI board. We would love to add some to our board!

Provinces and Territories Practice:


-Welcome BBQ is on Thursday and the order forms are due by Wednesday. I look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday!!
-Spelling test on Friday
-Please sign your child's agenda every night

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